Science & Technology


All students study Science in Years 7 to 10, and in Year 11 and 12, students can elect to study Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics. This promotes awareness of our place in, and impact on, the world and our society.

St John Fisher's 'Science Club' offers students the opportunity to meet peers from other year levels and do experiments not linked to their regular classes. Students can also participate in National Science Week where they can share their interests and innovations with the rest of the College community at our very own Science Fair. This event attracts industry judges to view student work with winners receiving community-sponsored prizes such as iPads, and gift cards.

Research shows that students in same-gender education settings have a better uptake of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses, and participate more in traditionally male-dominated sports.


Technology plays an important role in preparing our students for the future. We invest in ensuring our students are connected to the real world, both on and off campus. We strive to maintain technological 'savviness' by integrating technology and connectivity across both curriculum and co-curricular activities.

STJOHNFISHERPROMOPICSOCT2022(84of157).jpgWe provide students with access to virtual excursions and online content providers, as well as equipping students with the skills and knowledge to stay cyber-safe. Digital Technology is taught from Year 7 to 10, and in the Senior school, Digital Solutions provides a specific focus on solving problems using the tools of technology.

Our new Design Hub provides students with state-of-the-art technology at their fingertips, and includes 3D printers, a laser cutter and engraver, as well as sewing machines, prototyping materials to test innovative designs and lightboards to share and communicate ideas – all set in a very flexible learning space which flows from indoors to outdoors. ​

© Brisbane Catholic Education​, St John Fisher College Bracken Ridge (2023)