Seniors Gain Insights At Alumni Careers Breakfast

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Empowering the Next Generation: From Diverse Paths to a Shared 'Why'

 St. John Fisher College (SJFC) recently hosted a Careers Breakfast, inviting back esteemed alumni to share their post-college journeys and insights with senior students. The event highlighted the incredible diversity of career paths that SJFC graduates have embarked upon and emphasised the importance of finding a personal "why" to guide one's career.

The careers breakfast welcomed a diverse array of SJFC alumni, ranging from speech pathologists and physiotherapists to nurses, teachers, social workers, and even landscape architects. Each graduate brought their unique experiences and perspectives to the table, offering valuable insights into their respective professions and shedding light on the exciting possibilities that lie beyond the college years.

The event provided a platform for students to engage in meaningful conversations and gain practical advice from individuals who have walked the path they are currently treading. The alumni's stories showcased the varied trajectories that can unfold after leaving SJFC, reaffirming the college's commitment to preparing students for success in an ever-evolving world.

One common thread emerged among the alumni speakers - the significance of identifying one's "why" and allowing it to serve as a guiding light throughout their careers. Regardless of their chosen fields, these graduates emphasised the importance of passion, purpose, and a clear sense of direction in achieving personal and professional fulfillment.

Acting Principal, Britt Gurnett, expressed her gratitude and excitement for the event.

"We are immensely proud of our alumni and the incredible paths they have forged," Ms Gurnett said.  

"Their willingness to return and share their stories reflects the strong sense of community that defines St. John Fisher College.

"We believe that their insights will inspire and guide our current students as they navigate their own journeys beyond our classrooms."

© Brisbane Catholic Education​, St John Fisher College Bracken Ridge (2023)